
I guess i’ll give Tumblr a try on this since its not getting bit anywhere else:

I want a picture of myself based on this with the colors of my ref at https://i.kitsunet.net/alynna_reference.png : Butterfly body and wings, rainbow colored wings, fox head, fox fur and colors on the body.   Sipping nectar from the flower of the artists choice.  All reasonable quotes considered.

Posted by Alynna

The fae do not conform to the stereotypes humanity has given them.

Those who say “The fae are all beautiful and cute”, are wrong.  Just as the ones who say “we are all hideous and malevolent creatures”.   Those who say “The fae cannot lie,” are wrong, just as the ones who say “The fae always lie”.  Those who say “The fae want to kill you” are wrong, just as the ones who say “The fae want to keep you safe” are.  There is no “One fae way”, and looking for it is folly.

The fae are even more varied than humanity in how we interact, what feelings we have towards humanity and nature.  For we are the spirits of nature.  We can sense who are our allies and who are our destroyers.  It is hard for humans to understand us, and sometimes they feel there is deceit involved in our ways, but there isn’t.   However if you want to know if there is a secret to understanding our ways, know that the closer you are to nature, the easier it will be.

There are fae that are cute and tiny and live in your flowers.  Just as there are fae that will tower over your castles.   A “cute” and stereotypical fae may be more malevolent than you can imagine, and the old hags may save your life.   Judging us on appearance will work against you always.

There are some blogs that ignore my asks and stopped posting in the fae tags because they know I am here.  Because they want fae their way and don’t care about what is real.   They want their take on fae to be real.  But I suppose if you just want a space where things conform to your reality, go off I guess.

But for everyone else, know that we do not conform to your reality.  The moment you think you know us is the moment you find out you don’t, that there is so much more to know, and the fae will never fit into one of your boxes.

Posted by Alynna

I’ve walked into fairy circles but nothing ever happened… Is America just not magical enough?






Y’all got different things that go bump in the night over here. Like bears and moose and shit. If I was a fairy that got immigrated over here in mass flittings I’d stay in the other realm too. Fucking moose. Jesus Christ, have you seen those things up close? Fuck that.

Y’all have terrifying endless corn plane there too… So… I think you are even.

I’ve never experienced claustrophobia and agoraphobia simultaneously until we had to drive through 400 miles of endless corn occasionally interjected by great swaths of nothingness.

The fae realm might be the believable terror of things back home with our forests and iron age burial mounds jutting above ground but the US has it’s own eldritch terrifying charms.

Usually Tumblr has this aesthetic going where they act all terrified of fairies, so this post has me like yeeeahh

Come get us, you little bastards

What’s the matter?  I’m right here

Meet me at this totally legit barn if you want to steal some babies or smth


Fae, at least when manifesting in the mortal realm, usually adapt to the environs of that realm, much like any living creature.   Take for example, the barn above.  There are faeries.  Same for the corn fields.  You will get lost in a corn field no matter how you orient yourself against the sun. 

I was raised around barns and cornfields like those for the better part of my young mortal life, and can assure you that we are in all of the places above.  The fae of America are not fundamentally different from those in other parts, but they do adapt to the environment and culture in which they reside. 

Also, there are functional and legit faerie rings in America and other places in the world, but not all rings of mushrooms/rocks/flowers are faerie rings.  In some places there are many fae but none use faerie rings as a gate.  Also faerie rings are not the exclusive way to pass into the other realm (the fae around the Shasta Cascades in California FAR prefer cave systems for example).   Faerie rings are actually mostly a forest fae thing.  The greatest concentration of forest fae I know of in America is in Tall Timbers in Central Pennsylvania, but I also have not been everywhere.   Keep your ears and eyes open.  I will give you some hints.

  1. Abandoned barns.   If its just filled with hay and old lofts and rafters, enter freely without fear.   Whatever fae are there will be ok, if not welcome to your presence.
  2. If it is filled with old butchering tools or lots of chains, sharp items or implements, close the door and go away.
  3. If you open the door and more than 50 mice or rats scurry away as you open the door, conduct your business and leave.
  4. Corn fields, or any fields where the plants are taller than you: Expect to get lost.  If you want to get lost, enter it.  You may not return from the corn field but you won’t necessarily die in there either.
  5. If you want to explore and not get lost, bring a phone with a GPS.  Bring extra batteries.  Your phone will discharge faster in there.  Just warning you.
  6. Native American sacred sites:  I am not going to engage the argument of whether or not their spirits are a type of fae or not, I have my own opinions and others have others.   All I will say is the first time you disrespect them or their lands, they warn you.  The second time, they kill you.
  7. Deep forests:  For the most part, follow European protocols.
  8. The coastlines:  You’ve probably heard about lamia and merfolk off the coasts of Cape Cod, the Hamonesset and off the coasts of California, but they also hang around other places not commonly mentioned, such as off the coast of Brunswick, GA, Virginia, and any place with a good concentration of sea-caves and coves.   Not so much for the coast of New Jersey, or any other coasts where the mortal populations are too high or mortals have just trashed the place with garbage.
  9. Florida:  The greatest concentration of Unseelie I know of in the US is in the Everglades.  If you want to meet fae and don’t mind dying to do so, try the Everglades.  The rest of the state is mostly seafaring fae.
  10. Mountains: They’re relatively safe, pixies and sprites, and phouka, especially if the area is both high up in altitude and also wooded or forested.
  11. California.  While you can find fae anywhere, the more north you go, the more fae you see.   San Francisco has more fae than Los Angeles.  The highest concentrations of fae in California are in the Shasta Cascades, you will find as many there as most places in Europe excluding Ireland.
  12. Wildlife preserves:  Unicorns love these places, in fact in some cases, places are wildlife preserves BECAUSE of unicorn influence.
  13. Colorado: It would be biased of me to speak too much about Colorado because I live here, I will just leave it at, yeah we’re present, and types of fae are pretty evenly distributed, tho more mountain preferring ones than others.  

This got longer than I intended it to be, but there, feel free to use it as a guide.

Posted by Alynna



The Fae Speak:

Posts claiming Fae Aesthetics are airy pink dresses, sparkly lip gloss, little scratches on your knees, giggling, and picking buttercups … aren’t aesthetics about Fae. Those are aesthetics for Lolita or ‘little’ lifestyles.

Not all fae are the same. We are as varied as humans. And just like humans, singular fae do not speak for us all.

As fae it distresses me somewhat that one person claims to speak for all of us.  It also makes me wonder why I don’t get any say in what we are, either.

This being said I agree somewhat with the sentiment.  The “cute aspect” of fae are somewhat of a minority element, it does exist out there, mostly as a Seelie thing (and not to presume that all Seelie are ‘cute’ either, or even a majority, but its not non-existent).  

On the other paw, this ‘cute and frilly aspect’ is non-existent amongst the Unseelie and rare in nature and other courts.  Its mostly a Seelie thing, where it even exists amongst them.

TL;DR: You can’t put Fae into a basket, theres not just one type of fae, just like there isn’t one type of human.  You wouldn’t make these kinds of generalizations about humans, soo..


Posted by Alynna

I believe I am fae. A close friend who is a wolf has told me I am and I’ve always felt that but he has raised the subject again. How do you know?


Writer Speaks:

This is a hard question for me to answer do to personal reasons as the writer … because I also was told by a close friend offline who is a wolf that I am Fae… 

… but there’s something that I can’t explain that sits uncomfortably about that, and I think that’s the Fae I’m channeling talking to me. I believe I am definitely touched by the Fae, that’s obvious. They are here and I can tell this Fae is protective of me and likes me. I think he has even adopted himself into my family… But to say, I am Fae .. something about that seems a little blasphemous to the reality of the Fae. (remember, this is not tinkerbell medieval aesthetic land or a whimsical fantasy one wants to disappear into because they ‘feel different’) 

Fae are VERY real.

From what I’m getting from the Fae, is that most Fae do not take human lives. (meaning be incarnated as one.) They are too apart of nature and energy for that. That kind of thing would be suffocating to a Fae and binding. Binds kill Fae. Living a human life and being trapped in that body and societal life of a job, and school, and bills would be painful and sickening to a Fae (literally) – who is free in all aspects of being.

That’s the truth that I hear. I know as this writer, that’s going to upset some people to hear, but it’s the truth that I hear. I’m not saying it’s not possible, but that would be a painfully miserable, sickening life for a pure Fae. 

I honestly don’t think most would do it. There’s also no reason to. Nature does not need to bow to a human thing. Nature just wil do and is. Humans are not that ‘big’.

I’m tempted to think that wolves may very well be able to ‘smell’ out those who are very close to fae and touched by them in deep connective ways.

But who knows. I’m only channeling them. -grins- 😉

(sorry lol they made me. I’ll be good … maybe.)

@otherlycreatures​ I guess I should answer this, as fae ..

First of all, the sheer number of fae out there should not be underestimated.   If there were 10 billion people on Earth and even one of every million fae decided for some reason they wanted to ‘try incarnation as human’, it would still be enough fae to put one in every single human body out there, and that is just the fae within the etherical range of this solar system.  While amongst the fae this might be relatively rare, the numbers involved suggest it should not be seen as totally unusual on Earth.  

Secondly, Changelings are a thing.  Well documented, on both sides.  The reasons for changelings being ‘left’ are pretty numerous, but I think too much so to get into here.  It was more common in the olden times to bring fae into this world that way.  These days, due to a number of factors, not limited to human advancements.. that wouldn’t work out.  That being said, fae-kin are effectively changelings for all intents and purposes.   Changelings aren’t a type of fae in and of themselves, they are called that because a ‘human’ has been changed out for a ‘fae’, and those can be any type of fae.  

Regarding us feeling trapped, restricted, bound even, well yes, I do.   There are still reasons to do it sometimes.  I don’t want to get into mine, at least not publically.  But I can tell you some of what it feels like for a fae.  Biggest thing, is that things are going too slow.  Being physically human isn’t that huge of an impediment, its not inherently painful, but there is a constant longing in my life to get back to being what I was before.  I never feel right in this body, indeed it feels way too large in general.  My spiritual frame of reference stops long before my body does.  

Human societial norms and expectations are another thing.  You are right to mention the soul-searing grind that humans both call and have mistaken for, progress.  It attributes to alot of boredom in my life, I only recently found a line of work that seems to have enough variance in day to day duties to not put me to sleep.  I think most incarnated fae use sleep to deal with this critical ‘boredom’ because it is an easy way to get back to the fae realms for a little while at least.   Outlets to be fae again probably keep us sane.   The weird thing is that humans not only live this way, but call it progress.  I previously thought the Seelie were the kings and queens of unnecessary social protocol, but conforming to the rules and societial expectations that humans have made for themselves is enough to make the Seelie blush.  

It is heartening to see that you see fae as a part of nature.  Many humans and their storytellers try to write lore about us that makes us look like more like them.    And you are right about one thing most of all.  Fae are very real.   If it means anything to your argument here, this is likely my first time as a human, and likely my last.   I have a few reasons to be here, but if such reasons come up again I think i’m going to be like, screw it it isn’t worth it.

TL;DR:  Yes its possible for someone to be an incarnated fae.   Just.. don’t expect this to free you from having to act human or anything.

Posted by Alynna

I finally have what I would call a presentable nude.  Slightly NSFW but tastefully so.

Posted by Alynna