
Reading tumblr lately reminds me of all the horrible things St Patricks day represents.   I still wear green on that day for my own sense of racial pride, but to reiterate points of my last post, Celebrating St. Patrick is akin to … a conquered race celebrating its oppressors.

I’d like to cite specific examples but to do so would probably cause half my followers to leave, and the rest of Tumblr to hate on me.  The fact is I’ve become afraid to speak on Tumblr for the most part, but today, since i’m feeling so fearful and disheartened about this, i’ll speak just to get it out.

I’ve heard the quote “The Irish were oppressed and they don’t complain about it” alot lately, particularly along my dash.  But I think the main reason we don’t complain about it is because noone gives a shit.  We would receive nothing but derision and ridicule for doing so, because we’re considered “white” now.

People say “How come I didn’t hear about the potato blight in school, or about how the British came and took all the rest of the food during the famine?” or about the culture that existed before St. Patrick?  This is because of systematic erasure of the things that happened to the Irish, mostly conducted by Catholicism in the early part and by the British later on.  But it was also overshadowed by arguably worse things happening to other races later on.

The fact is, that we had a culture that was systematically erased, we were once Celtic, but St. Patrick and the Catholic church came in with food and stuff during our hard times (there were famines all through Europe between 400-800 AD and Ireland has always had it hard growing things) and honestly bought their way into converting the populace… this would lead later on to wars between Catholics and Protestants, and then more recently, to terrorism, most of which is over now, but none which would have happened if we stayed with the Old Gods to begin with.   It was partially our fault, too.  We should have died with our culture intact rather than submit to St. Patrick and the Catholics.   But it’s far too late to change that now..

I don’t know what it is I want to say here.  I had alot more to say but I’m afraid of offending folks by saying it.  I just, it makes me frightened to see how attitudes have evolved here, where it has somehow become OK to hate someone, even to say they should die, because they are considered to be part of a privileged social group.   I’m even afraid to name specifics.  We can’t talk about the oppression and abuse a race suffered because they are now considered privileged.  I know where that road leads.   Actually I don’t think this post is going to help me feel any better about what is happening.   I think i’ll end this post now.

Posted by Alynna