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If you don’t feel like your kintype 💕

Sometimes it can be extremely difficult to grasp yourself with your kintype, but it is important to think of strategies to feel more connected to what that is.

-❤️Visit places that your kintype would be around

-💛Eat food that relates to your kintype

-💚Listen to music that speaks to your kintype

-💙Try to get involved with people alike (if possible)

-💜Wear things that your kintype would wear

-❤️Write or draw things about your kintype

-💛Do activities that make you feel like your kintype

-💚Think on past memories (if you have them!)

-💙Use your imagination as a simulation of what it’s like to be your kintype

-💜Try to feel more confident within your kintype

-❤️Connect with your heart and spirit

If you don’t feel like your kintype…

Maybe another kintype is right for you.

Its ok to introspect and meditate and do some more self-reflection…

And maybe it will lead to strengthening your sense of identity, or maybe you’ll find our you’re something else altogether, but at least you’ll be a step closer to truth.

But sometimes, you just feel more mundane than you are.   This world does that to everyone.   This world is structured to keep people in line, marching to the same beat towards something that noone really knows what it is.  But be assured that if you really are otherkin, that aspect of you will come knocking again.   It doesn’t just go away its part of who you are.

Some of the suggestions above suggest that being otherkin is a life choice, but its more like a life acceptance.  

tl;dr: It’s always ok to use these times to refine your sense of what you are.

Posted by Alynna


This is why people keep saying we should eat the rich, just in case you were wondering

Except the rich would be disgusting.  I don’t even like real pork..

Posted by Alynna

I recently got my first anon otherkin “get help” ask.

Thank you for your validation, Anon.

Posted by Alynna

“If you bring a trans woman home and then don’t want to have sex with her just because she used to be male, yer scum in my book. You were attracted to her enough to bring her home, and its not like its gonna feel any different.” Except you literally have sex with genitals, so if you are attracted to her but don’t want to have anal or touch her dick, that’s valid and not ~transphobic~. Intercourse is about genitals, not gender.


Read the next sentence after the one you’re quoting.  I said noone has an obligation to have sex with anyone else no matter what genitalia they are packing. Doesn’t mean you aren’t still scum for it, but you don’t have to do her.

Posted by Alynna

[Submission. Fucking hell.]


Ok i’ll bite.

If you bring a trans woman home and then don’t want to have sex with her just because she used to be male, yer scum in my book.  You were attracted to her enough to bring her home, and its not like its gonna feel any different.  This being said, anyone can refuse to have sex with anyone else for any reason.  That’s just called “not being a rapist”.

Posted by Alynna



Something that always bothered me is how much Atsuko Nishida is ignored. 

She contributed the most to Pokemon’s success with Pikachu, Eevee and Charizard and many other popular pokemon while Ken Sugimori is the one who has always takes the praise and spotlight unfairly.

Nishida made more kids happy than Ken ever did.

Nishida made Pokemon more successful than Ken ever did

Nishida made creative and beautiful designs, Ken made very bland, boring and silly designs and an unfortunate ugly monster that made an entire starter line often unloved.

Nishida didn’t get fame or much talk, she has been always overlooked and overshadowed by Ken Sugimori.

It also saddens me that Nishida didn’t get a larger role in Gamefreak either, she left the company to be a freelancer while Ken Sugimori got to be the Art Director of every game.

Why there’s no justice in this world?

Sorry to burst your bubble OP but..

Ken Sugimori, despite your cherry picked selection of pokemon, actually did design way more then “very bland, boring and silly designs”

Point is both creators have made some amazing pokemon and i bet my life you can find at least one pokemon from both that you love

As a few have said already: you can appreciate one persons work without discrediting another. And on a personal level it made me mad that you would call Venusaur “and unfortunate ugly monster that made an entire starter line often unloved” hello??? whats ur problem????

The creator of Eevee and Vulpix shall always have the glory and respect in my book.

Posted by Alynna


$10 sketch commission for @alynnafoxie, thanks so much for commissioning me! :3c!!

Extreme Reblog Many Clickies A++

Posted by Alynna


You know, it’s funny. I made what was probably the kindest, most civil and understanding response to this post. You can see it here, if you don’t believe me: https://ghrianleon.tumblr.com/post/175658259804/otherkin-is-not-lgbt

And I was still blocked by the OP without a single response.

I don’t think that people who say these things want any discussion. I think their goal is to start arguments, and silence anyone who tries to actually show reason and sense. I haven’t been on tumblr long, but I have seen a lot of moral posturing disguised as productive discourse. It’s disgusting to me, as a bisexual, that these people are using social justice as a vehicle for plain old rudeness. If you want to make fun of us, just do that. Don’t dress it up behind LGBTQ rights. This is concern-trolling and nothing but. That anyone would use a minority group as a smokescreen for this is childish and inappropriate.

Next time you wonder why otherkin aren’t polite to you all the time, remember things like this. Remember that no matter how nice and patient we are, we know that most of you are more concerned with your public images, and being know-it-alls, than being truthful or fair.

Over the last 20+ years I have learned this:

People who come into our communities with statements like
 “I’m genuinely curious”
 “I’m not here to offend”
 “I want to understand this”
And statements like these, over 95% of the time are trying to disarm you to maximize their trolling.   I may sound jaded but this is experience speaking from over a decade of being part and running my own otherkin communities.

The people who are misrepresenting our community by claiming to be part of it and representing it, are the same deal without the effort of getting into the community in the first place.  Remember folks, anyone can post anything and put it in whatever tag they feel like.  None of these people are interested in an actual debate or discourse about these issues, they just want to smack bees nests without getting stung.

Almost noone is going to come to us with the intention of listening to us explain what we are and how and why we exist, and have an open mind in doing so.   Humans have an innate need to see themselves as above other humans, so they come to communities like ours to “people watch”, which is to say, see people they can justify to themselves are “not as good” as they are.  They are going to troll you, to try to break you down with the same tired arguments which have been answered for decades, to call you crazy, deluded, to tell you to “get help”, etc.   Its all for their own self-esteem because they haven’t dragged themselves out of their basements yet and made something, anything of their own lives.  There are extremely rare exceptions but good luck finding them amongst the trash.

Posted by Alynna
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