




Hello, my lovelies! So in honor of pride month, @transagegirl, @splatterpainted and I worked together to make an inclusive chart about the LGBTQQADOFFTMCN community! We are open to suggestions if your identity was not included. We had to umbrella many of the sexualities under queer, as there are hundreds upon hundreds that could not fit in the acronym, but are still very valid! This is very useful in explaining to cishets or other exclusionists what the parameters of our community are.

Have a wonderful pride month everyone, and remember to punch a TERF/SWERF!

I’m going to fucking slaughter you. pedophiles are not LGBT. otherkinity is a spiritual/psychological belief and is not LGBT. necrophiliacs are not LGBT. transrace is not real nor LGBT. transage is not real nor LGBT. being attracted to serial killers is not LGBT. demisexual/demiromantic is not LGBT. being a furry does not make you LGBT. intersex people have asked not to be included in LGBT.

Actually, demisexual and demiromantic are LGBT. They fall under a-spec and aro-spec identities, respectively. I agree with all others though.

again, if they’re cishet, they’re not LGBT. “needing to form a bond before feeling attraction” isn’t SGA/MGA or a non-cis gender (do we have a better term for that? does anyone know?) so, no, it’s not inherently LGBT.

Yes, they are inherently LGBTQ+. The community isn’t about have a Same/Multi-Gender Attraction or being transgender (and transgender includes non-binary identities and genderfluid/genderflux/etc). It about people who are not cisgender, heterosexual or heteromantic. A-specs and aro-specs are among the “not heterosexual” and “not heteromantic”, and therefore, are inherently LGBTQ+.

I was about to go off on a rant about this but i’m just going to tl;dr it down to a single word: No.